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Prepare yourself: The latest viral music hit has arrived. It’s called "The Fox,” a hilarious and maddeningly infectious song by Ylvis, a pair of Norwegian variety show brothers. The video, which involves people dressed up as animals dancing around in the woods while Bård and Vegard Ylvisåker croon ”dog goes woof/ cat goes meow/ bird goes tweet/ mouse goes squeak,” has acquired nearly 3 million hits on YouTube in three days. If you’ve already seen "The Fox,” it’s probably left you with plenty of questions of your own. Like, "Why am I still hopelessly stuck on the insanely catchy clutches of a song about animal noises?” and "Should I be reevaluating my own understanding of animal noises? Do elephants really go … "toot”? And of course, the most important question of all: "Wait, seriously, what sound does a fox make?”

My files | Views: 1510 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: administrateur | Date: 2013-09-07 | Comments (0)

Bow down to the Queen of the Jungle Katy Perry!

On Thursday, Perry released her jungle-themed video for her anthem, "Roar," which is the first single off her upcoming album, Prism.

The campy and comical video shows Perry fighting a tiger, painting an elephant's toenail and swinging through the jungle, but the video takes on a much deeper meaning. "Roar" kicks off this new chapter in a her career, and in it, she proves that she's no longer a scared girl; she's empowered, fierce and has found the strength to overcome all adversities. MTV News breaks down the five key scenes to the "Roar" video.

My files | Views: 853 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: administrateur | Date: 2013-09-07 | Comments (0)

The appearance of the first trailer for José Padilha's Robocop heralds yet another remake of a bravura Paul Verhoeven sci-fi film from the 80s. The film-going public can't really win in this situation. If the new version turns out to be a pale imitation of the original's bombastic, gorgeously grim satire on corporate America, we've all paid to see a duff movie. If Padilha pulls off a miracle and delivers the sleek and visceral reworking hinted at here, you just know they're going to bring back Showgirls next.

My files | Views: 500 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: administrateur | Date: 2013-09-07 | Comments (0)

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